Photography By | June 01, 2021
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Gibson Thomas and Michael Schwab
Gibson Thomas and Michael Schwab

I still have the email.

October 5, 2009
Hello Edible Marin + Wine Country.
I am a graphic artist. An illustrator.
I love your publication. Congratulations.
Please consider my work as a possible cover illustration or editorial article image for the magazine.
A possible portrait of a worthy gardener / farmer. Heroic portrait.
Could be a specific farmer portrait or just a generic character.
Or possibly an illustration of fruit / vegetable.
Anything is possible.
Thank you for your consideration.
/ M

I still recall the feeling I had when I read it: Oh. My. God. And a little bit “I must be on the right track.” Our premiere issue had dropped four months earlier, and our fall issue had just arrived.

And so it came to be that I met Michael Schwab, the renowned graphic artist. Of course, I had been an ardent admirer of his work, but I imagined he was far “out of our league” as a potential contributor and had not even considered reaching out. Also, of course, I responded back in about one minute flat. We bonded immediately over our Southern roots, deep appreciation of those who farm and ranch our food, love of good brown liquor, our respective children and this part of the world, our adopted homes.

Michael designed the first anniversary cover of Edible Marin & Wine Country the following summer. Since then, he has created our Spring 2017 cover, the cover of our Ninth Anniversary “The Women’s Issue” and illustrated an edition of our mutual friend Georgeanne Brennan’s What’s in Season feature that appears in every issue. Each time I am astounded by his talent, his generosity and the way in which his images convey so much, so seemingly simply—by being laser-focused on the very essence of who, or what, he is depicting.

It has been the encouragement, enthusiasm, constructive criticism, partnership, support, collaboration and generosity of community members including Michael, and many, many more, that have sustained this magazine, and me, over the last 12+ years. It truly takes a village, and I am so very grateful to be a part of this one. We made it, y’all! Let’s celebrate summer!


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