2Girl Roasters | Cibo Caffe & Bakery

2 Girl Roaster

2girl beans are roasted daily on a Giesen W6 Roaster handcrafted in Holland. Coffee people know it as one of the finest roasters in the world. Non-coffee people know it as the big, red machine in the middle of the cafe. Our coffees are named after girls we know and love; Lisa, Jessica, Dawn, Alison. If one of them is your name, please don't read too much into it. It's probably just a coincidence. If you come here a lot, we might name a coffee after you. But no promises.


Equator Coffees at Proof Lab

We are excited to announce that our very first coffee bar is open at Proof Lab Surf Shop in Mill Valley! Proof Lab is the Bay Area’s largest surf & skate shop. They have everything you need for surfing and skateboarding, from high-end gear to clothing and safety equipment.

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